Hey everyone. Please excuse the long post, but I've really gotten myself into such a bad situation, and need some serious help. I'm going to try and explain the situation as best I can, please ask allot of questions if this doesn't make any sense. About a year and a half ago, I met my best friend, and after a few months I started to like his sister. I tolled him this and he was really mad. The attraction between his sister and myself got so hard that we ended up together. Her brother finally accepted that, and could see we made each other really happy. A year later I really messed up. It all started in January, I got into really bad debt, and was unable to pay rent. In Feb, I took out a loan, and had some extra cash, and thought it would be really wonderful if I took my girlfriend to Rome. A huge mistake, as unforeseen bank charges and debts came back, and I couldn't pay rent again. I was in serious trouble, and thought of various ways to pay rent. I finally found the option that I could get my bank charges back from my bank. Hooray... not! I made so many mistakes, I lied to my ex saying everything was ok, and that I’m good with money, and had her believe that I could afford treating her to nice things. I lied to her brother saying I did pay rent, but I didn't. I lied to keep everyone happy. I'm not trying to justify the lying. It was so wrong of me. Another stupid mistake was I started to think that my bank refund would arrive soon, so I didn’t pay rent and paid off my other debts. I decided to also propose to my ex in April and thought everything would work out ok. My brother helped me out with some money to buy an engagement ring. Another stupid mistake, I could of used that money to pay the rent. I really convinced my self the bank would pay up. But anyway, I did the whole romantic proposal, she said yes. After getting back from the engagement holiday. All hell broke lose. Her brother found out about me not paying rent, and tolled his sister "my fiancé". My girlfriend was so mad, and called off the engagement and broke up with me. :( She said she will never trust me again or anyway for a long time, her brother tolled me to get out and never see his sister again. :( They said I’m insane for what I did, and need to get some serious help with the lying. I know the lying was bad, but I didn't do it for selfish reasons. I did it to give her a holiday. She is so mad, because I kept this from her, and should of tolled her from the start. I spoke to an online councillor, and tolled them everything, I then forward those emails to my ex so she would understand why this mess all happened. The only problem was at the time of writing the emails, I was really depressed and needy and said allot of things in the emails about small issues and small insecurities I had in myself which came across as needy. I received one txt from her saying she doesn't understand me and will take her along time to ever trust someone again. Is there still hope for this relationship? I'm giving her space and haven’t sent a txt or phone her it three days. Any advice on getting her back, and winning her trust will be much appreciated. Thanks Ian :) [size:8pt] [/size]