Cheating and Lying

Signs of Cheating :
Your Partner Wants Less Sex

While teenagers might have unlimited ability to have sex, most of us start to lose that ability once we cross age 25! We have a limited libido. So if your partner is using up his/her "libido energy" elsewhere, it is less likely that you'll have your same level of sex back home.

Of course sex levels change from year to year, from time of the month, based on the season, and for many other reasons! Don't just assume that a lack of sex means an affair. Instead, try to get you both eating more healthily, and try sex in the morning, when most people are naturally aroused.

If however there is a *drastic* change in sexual activity and there's no matching change in stress, in medicine, in health or in other external reasons, it might be time to look for something more emotional.

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