Races, Religions, Ages

Large Age Differences :
It's a Matter of Personal Preference, Honestly.

Okay, a lot of people keep saying how it's illegal for a minor to be dating somebody over the age of majority. That's incorrect. The government makes no laws against dating; however it is illegal for adults to have sex with minors.

That being said, I personally don't think age makes a difference in a relationship. I'm 17 dating a 23-year-old man and have never been happier. Yes, people look at me funny when they find out how old he is. Yes they make jokes about him being a rapist or a sexual predator. Quite frankly, it gets annoying. As long as your partner isn't forcing you to do anything you feel uncomfortable doing and he/she respects you, there shouldn't be a problem.

The real factor that matters in a relationship is the level of maturity of both parties. The fact that you can have 30-year-olds acting like 16-year-olds and vice versa shows that you can't judge somebody based on age alone.

Would I date somebody 20, 30, 40 years older than me? Most likely not. But if somebody's conscience allows them to do so, more power to them. It's their life, not yours. So if you don't agree with who somebody is dating solely based on their age, and the person isn't at risk of being harmed in any way, do them a favor and keep your thoughts to yourself.

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

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