I met this wonderful guy at a dance. I got his #. This was the past friday. Today I texted him. He texted me back, buthe stopped texting me all of a sudden. Should I call him in a few days? I turned off my phone for now and I am going to go watch tv. Is this a sure sign that he isn't interested? I regret not calling instead of texting.
Hi Luvanimalsdearly

There could be any number of reasons why he stopped texting.

Maybe he doesn't want to pursue a relationship, or maybe he simply lost his phone.

Perhaps you could send him another ~ just casual & friendly ~ and see if he responds. You could even ask, in the text, if it would be ok for you to phone him; maybe then you would get a reply???

Good luck! smile
That's a tough line, you don't want to stalk the guy, but you want to stay on is radar. I'd definitely give it a few days. Then call him with a casual question, ask him something about the dance, like you remember a certain song and wanted to know if he knew the title of it. That way it's a friendly contact and a stress-free one. You want him to think of you as friendly and fun, not as a psycho stalker smile
There is also always the possibility that he got grounded.

I just grounded my 17 yr old son and part of that punishment was losing his cell-phone and access to his FaceBook account. So that meant no contact with his GF except by housephone, and that was only to tell her that he was grounded!
I don't know whats up, but I texted him once last Thursday and no answer. I have already deleted any trace of him on my phone. Thanks for the input tho!
Ah well, sometimes you just have to move on. Have fun at your next dance!
Chelle - no facebook??? You are a harsh taskmaster! What did this poor kid do to get cut off from the world like that? smile
Thnx so much!
We'll just say that he got into some trouble using the internet - so I feel taking away the internet is completely justified. smirk
LOL ah ok so it's a very appropriate response then! That will certainly be a strong message smile I know adults who would be greatly traumatized by losing their Facebook access!
I was off all internet access for a few weeks - it was extremely tough! I felt like I lost an entire limb, or a sense, or something.

What weirds me out is that a decade ago I wasn't online at all. It was not a part of my life. How did this happen? wink
Networks are insidious things, they grow slowly and then suddenly you realize you're deep in the middle of one and it is an important part of your life smile
r u one of them lisa??? lol haha! but i kno wat u mean
I don't think I'm a network! smile
You still have a chance. Text him an SMS after a week and see the response. I think he needs to feel that you like him too.
Ya I gave up on him. I texted him the thursday after the Sunday and nor response so far its been about a month. I deleted his # and all the texts connected to him so that I would not be tempted.
Maybe it's for the best smile
Yeah was not meant 2 be
I want to say, too, that I get emails about this type of thing ALL the time. It is common for people to think "I am at fault" and worry about what they did. Often though it has nothing at all to do with you. Maybe their old girlfriend who they adored called them back and now they are on the road to recovery. Maybe their work got very busy and they are having a blast working on their dream project. There are all sorts of scenarios that happen that are completely independent of you.

So yes, I think you took the best path! Do not think of ways to blame yourself. Something in life happened and it was not meant to be. Move on to the paths that are available to you, and embrace what the world has to offer!
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