Hi Lana smile

That does sound very odd to me and I would be concerned about it, too, if I were you.

On the other hand, you cared for him and you cannot just turn that off when something weird like this happens.

They didn't have a 'relationship', in the accepted form of the word, but something was going on.

Some men do seem to need 'something else' while feeling that they are remaining true to their partners ~ eg prostitutes. I don't know why, because I am not a man, but, if you feel that you want to look at this relationship again, then maybe a deep discussion or even counselling might be in order.

Did he feel that he was doing something wrong?
Could it be that he felt that there was something lacking in your relationship?
This 'deployment' ~ what, exactly, was involved and could it have affected him in some way that might explain this behaviour?
Had he done anything like it before?
What did he feel about it all?

Last edited by PDM; 10/09/10 12:06 AM.

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.