I'm sorry you have it so rough. No one should feel like they are being walked all over in a relationship. Each person should be giving and taking. It should always be 50/50 w/ each person compromising to meet in the middle so no one is feeling like the other is dominant. I'm proud of you for seeing this though. Sometimes, love can be blind and its hard to see the stuff going on, except for those on the outside. You are being very courages, good for you. You should let her down easily, do it face to face (no cowardly email or text), and do it soon (the longer you wait, the harder its going to be). There is someone out there for you, so don't give up. Its weird, and maybe a little cliche, but when you stop looking, it will just happen naturally, love will find each other. smile We're here for you so keep in touch and let us know what happens. *hugs and courage*