My problem is that I have noticed this woman for about 3 years, but I am afraid to speak to her because I am 99% sure she is lesbian. the reasons why I think this are 1: I have once seen her arrive at work with another woman whom I know IS lesbian, 2: she and that other woman are always together at work, and 3: when she isn't at work, neither is the other woman (and vice versa). I have tried to forget her and have even told myself "forget it" and have learned to accept forgetting her. but yet, almost every time I see her, my heart beats faster and I feel attracted to her or close to her somehow. I know she does not have any feelings toward me, obviously, since she has not made any attempts to approach me or speak to me (regardless of the fact that she has looked at me and even seen me looking at her). I have thought about asking co-workers, if they know her, if they know she is lesbian. but I thought that might make me look like a stalker. so should I, in fact, let it go and give up? is how I feel stupid and dumb? confused