Hello Loveless Avenue
Welcome smile

I'm sorry, but if she isn't attracted to you, she probably cannot help that, so you may just have to accept that friendship is as far as this one will go.

Sometimes girls aren't attracted because the spark just isn't there. Sometimes it's because of something the boy does or does not do.

It's as well to ensure that you are always clean and smell nice with clean teeth, clean ears, clean nails, clean hair, etc. Dirtiness and smelliness can turn off members of the opposite sex.

I'm not saying that this description fits you, Loveless Avenue, just that it's something to be aware of.
When I was a teenager I remember two boys, who wanted to date me, but who I would never have even considered.
Their personalities didn't particularly appeal to me, but the things that I recall most about them are that one always had disgustingly dirty ears and the other always had disgustingly dirty teeth.

So, for all boys and girls out there, wondering why the person they fancy doesn't fancy them, this is just one thing to bear in mind.

As for your case, Loveless Avenue, I think that you should perhaps just be friendly, and hope to meet someone who returns your feelings of interest.

You never know, this girl may just change her mind. smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.