I personally think that you should just give her a little bit more of a hint, and if she reacts back to it in a good way then their is something worth working off to create a better relationship. Now I know you're going to ask "What kind of signal do I give off?" Well, for one you know that eye contact thing when you look at a girl or she looks at you then when they catch you, you look away? That's awesome, always makes me smile and blush..LOL And what else, being charming you know, when she drops her pen or whatever don't rush to pick it up if you're not near her but if you are kneel down nice and smooth and pick it up for her then come back up with a smooth voice saying "You dropped you're pen/pencil." And keep that eye contact that naturally comes until she thanks you but I mean you can get up off the floor while you're doing so...LOl

Anymore advice I'll get back to you if anything comes to mind!!

Candy & Crushes