Well Badluck I'm certainly no expert but I'll give it a shot.First of all I believe that the best relationships usually do start as friendship.Because if you don't like someone enough to be a friend then any more of a relationship definitely won't work.And secondly it's important to be yourself because if a person doesn't like you for how you truly are then I say to heck with them.You definitely can't build any kind of relationship -boyfriend/girlfriend or even just friendship if you have to do it by pretending to be someone you're not.From what you said she likes the person you were when she first met you and you said that was the "real" you.So BE YOURSELF!!!Open up the REAL you, don't be shy and don't try to be someone you're not. Give yourselves time to get to know each other even if you just get to talk on phone or instant messenger if you can't actually "see" each other often.I take it you go to different schools? If so, Bummer huh? Do your parents know about this girl? If so how do they feel about it? Maybe they can give you ride to see her..meet at mall or movies..pick her up and bring her over to your house (or hers) just to hang out.I think it's a little to soon to know whether you really "love" this girl or not. You need to talk, hangout BE YOURSELF and just have fun goofin off together for a while. Afterall you said yourself you haven't really had much time together so who knows..maybe once you reeaaly get to know eachother you might find out that you don't even like her.Especially if she hasn't been being herself either? Good luck and let us know how things are goin smile Keep Smilin!