Originally Posted By: Joephazonx
Messages in myspace get deleted in 15 days. Try sending another one.

they don't get deleted in 15 days, your sent box does. recieve messages stay until you read them/delete them. You can see in a bout the middle part if they read it. itll either say sent read or replied.

JSK.. if she doesn't respond and she has read it, she either isn't interested, has a boyfriend, likes someone, or doesn't talk to people on myspace she doesn't know. I personally hit the "deny" button for every friend request I get from people I don't know and the "delete" button for every message I get from people I don't know. There's nothing you can say to get her attention. If you REALLLYYYY wanna try anyways.. just tell her you've seen her in pagents, you thought she did very well, tell her you think she seem's like a nice girl and you would like to talk. if she doesn't reply again, leave it alone.

God Bless,