Hello Paul & welcome to the forum

First of all, I'm sorry but I have removed your e-mail address from your post. It's not a good idea to advertise it on the Internet like that. People can send you private messages if necessary.

Right now, I think, as Aerial says, your age does make a difference to what is happening here.

You say that your girl is talking about another boy. I can understand how that might upset you, but how do you know that it is true?

If you break up, you believe that you would feel terrible ~ and you probably would. Young people have very intense feelings and emotions. It can make things seem absolutely wonderful, but, if things go wrong, it can make everything seem awful.

How can you know if she loves you or if she is planning on breaking up?

As Aerial says, ask her.
Not her friends; not your imagination, but her.
That's the best way to learn the truth, though, of course, she may not wish to be honest if she has started to become interested in someone else.

Hopefully she is as happy with you as you are with her, but, just in case things don't go as you hope they will, remember this ~ the way you feel is normal for young people, and sad feelings pass, especially if you have someone you can trust to talk to. All young people go through this ~ the highs; the lows.

That's why so many older people say that their teens were the best years of their lives ~ but they wouldn't want to have to go through them again!

And it's where the ideas came from for songs like 'Why must I be a teenager in love?' & 'She was only 16'.

Good luck!

And read the other posts in this section ~ you will find that many of them are from confused and worried young men. It might help you to see that you are all going through similar things. Hope all turns out well for you. smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.