Long Distance and Internet

Songs about Missing You :
The Cranberries - When You're Gone

A song the explains it all too well.

Hold onto love that is what I do now that I,ve found you.
And from above everything,s stinking, they,re not around you.

And in the night, I could be helpless,
I could be lonely, sleeping without you.

And in the day, everything,s complex,
There,s nothing simple, when I,m not around you.

But I,ll miss you when you,re gone, that is what I do. Hey, baby!
And it,s going to carry on, that is what I do. Hey, baby...

Hold onto my hands, I feel I,m sinking, sinking without you.
And to my mind, everything,s stinking, stinking without you.

And in the night, I could be helpless,
I could be lonely, sleeping without you.

And in the day, everything,s complex,
There,s nothing simple, when I,m not around you.

But I,ll miss you when you,re gone, that is what I do. Hey, baby!
And it,s going to carry on, that is what I do. hey, baby...

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