Fights and Arguing

From Grumpy to Happy :
Eat More Healthily

It is simply amazing how changing the way you eat affects how you feel. I know SO many people who, a few hours after they eat, start to get irritable and grumpy as that 'sugar high' fades from their system. I used to be that way too. I would even start to get shaky as the hours went by, because my body was running out of energy.

Try to help your partner stay away from candy and junk food, and drink a ton of water. Provide lots of healthy snacks, so that when your partner reaches for something, a healthy thing is right there. Don't go more than 3 or 4 hours without some sort of food being available. Again, drink a ton of water. Every time you go up, ask if you can get your partner some too. Don't *push* it on your partner, but if it becomes a normal part of your life, it'll become a normal part of everything.

You might be really surprised at how much better you both feel, and how much more able your partner is to deal with the ups and downs of life.

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