Recovering from a Breakup

Dating Again :
Finish one before starting another

It can be very tempting, as one relationship starts to fade, to start another as a "safety net". That way you´re set whether or not the current relationship works out.

Don´t do it. By spending time with someone else, you are being completely unfair to the person who *is* your current partner. Either work with them to make the relationship prosper, or sit and talk with them and decide to call it quits. It´s not fair to anyone, yourself included, to two-time a person you are in a relationship with.

You´ll also never really know if it was the second person you were truly attracted to, or if it was partially a convenient way to get out of your current relationship that you did not wish to work on any more.

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

Recovering from a Breakup > Dating Again

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