Cheating and Lying

Building Honesty :
Should I talk about past lovers?

At some point as you explore each othersī pasts, the talk of past lovers will come up. What should you say about them?

First off, if your current partner is jealous about your past lovers, be sure to read the tips area on jealousy. Being honest at all will be difficult if your partner is upset because of partners that are now out of your life. That is the first hurdle to overcome.

Assuming you have a trusting, loving partner, talking about past lovers can be a great way to learn more about each other. It gives you each a sense about what you liked and didnīt like about the partners, what they did and didnīt do that made you happy. Itīs a great learning exercise to help understand why you are the way you are now, and what you would like to be happy.

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

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