I Want My Ex Back

Words to Say :
I had a job, but not a career? Or so I believe that!

She and I were together 6-yrs. Got engaged, then split when she started her career which I work with her to get. All these years, all this money gone, all this time, all this LOVE to find out I didnt have a career she would have been happy to stay with me for. Until 4-months after, she and I broke up. I saw her out a hotel she and I frequently visited with what I assume is her supervisor. It hurts till this day when I think of it. Its been a year, her family hopes better for me! I hope better for me, but my heart dosent feel complete without her. I am starting to believe in KARMA, and I see her coming around the neighborhood. I have a great career now, but I dont know if i should take her back and then snap her heart like she did mine. Or walk away! I have ask GOD for one thing since she smashed my heart, WISDOM! I want those words that hurt more than what any curse word or any physical pain can give. Dont know if I want my EX-gf back, but I do want PEACE in my heart!!!

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