Kissing Tips and Techniques

First Kisses :
Be playfull with your tounge guys...

This is a great way to drive your girls CRAZY. While you gusy are kissing, begin taking her lower lip into your mouth, and suck on it a bit, don't bite though. What you should do is, with her lip in you mouth, start running your tounge up and down her lip, side to side.(p.s. don't forget she's still there, so keep the kiss going and don't focus on JUST her lip) Start letting go of her lips as if to put a little pause on your makeout session, and put your hand under her chin with a small grip (enough to keep her face near yours) and lighty pass your tounge over (the inner rim) of her slightly opened lips. My boyfriend did first did this to me in a movie theatre and I just couldn't stop trying to get him to keep kissing me.... I completely forgot there was a movie showing. GUYS TRY THIS!

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