Kissing Tips and Techniques

First Kisses :
first kiss girls only

ok so you ladies are havin your first kiss right? So make sure if he wants to look in hiss eyes for 2-4 seconds then look away bu do not look at someone else and DO NOT STARE or try not to because then it gets awkward. Flirt a little; Twirl your hair a little if your smile alot then at the end of the date if he drops you off at your house then let him lean in first if he does then you can see wich way his head is leaning, but you lean your head the other way just before your lips kiss close your eyes for a first kiss open your lips to about the smallest side of a starburst,or to however far apart your partners lips are and kiss no tounge on the first kiss unless you want to and he starts it.

extra tips:
moist lips: no lipgloss or lipstick trust me,try chapstick or vaseline
great breath: always keep extra mints on you

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Kissing Tips and Techniques > First Kisses

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