Jealousy and Envy

Building Self Esteem :
How to make your ex jealous

1.Remember to pretend like you don't care or bother to talk or hang out with him
2.AIM or Myspace, be sure NEVER to send him a friendly hello.Be sure he sends it to you first. Even then reply with a short reply, as if you could care less.
3.Create fake inside jokes between other guys and post them or put them in your away message. Who knows if they are valid anyway!(This will eat him up knowing that you have moved on)
4.Remember also to keep in touch with his old friends. This way you can single him out..
5.Always look your best when you sense he could be somewhere near you (your old fav cafe/movies)
6. If you do ever decide to talk to him remember to pity him, "I hope you are doing o.k. after the split, I know you took it REALLY hard" Make him inferior to you by making it seem like you care about him but also that you feel bad for him. This will give you the POWER.
7. Always keep good posture and look very confident with yourself. Smile and laugh more than usual..
8. Try to keep him off your mind so that you can more easily complete these tasks, this way you won't find yourself brooding over him.
9.Pin point his weaknesses and be tactful on executing insults.
10. Make sure to loose attraction for him. Imagine him with all of his flaws.(eg:unibrow, big nose)Only try to see him as friend material.This is the last yet hardest step of the training process.

Good Luck!

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

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