Millicent Blue, Yes Katie IS young. She's only 13 I think? As far as advising to take Advil..she had already said she tried Advil and it wasn't working. I suggested she take it BEFORE the pain gets too bad because I know it works better that way.
As for her giving up a male budgie to have a female..maybe you didn't read the whole thread. She got a female budgie FIRST, then her mom got a male so it wouldn't be lonely. She was advised about training 2 at once and also about the possibility of them breeding. So since she had already started bonding with the female, and we advised her not to have a male/female pair since she is not experienced enough or in the position to deal with babies and all...she decided to give up the male. I happen to think it was the responsible thing to do.
As for the 3 dif young men, I have no idea what that's about. But I do know how fast things change between boys n girls at that age. In love one hate the next! It's a teen thing