So i have known this guy for 3 years, we are really good friends. From the day i met him ive liked him, but the timing wasnt right. Although each year we got together atleast once. It wasnt until recently where i thought something might happen. He came over one night, and so i asked him what he was looking for because i want something serious. and he told me since he had just gotten out of a relationship he didnt want to jump into anything. He is also planning on moving away in the summer. So i took that as nothing more could come of it, but then he came over a week later. and the week after that. but its been almost a month since ive seen him even though HE texts/messages me everyday. sometimes he takes up to 3 hrs to reply. i have no idea what to do so I was just wondering if you had any suggestions on what i should do! if i should just wait it out our confront him?

Last edited by Pine; 12/26/10 09:16 AM.