OR (and I say this as protection for you) she COULD just be your friend. Put this into consideration:

When you were writing this, I am almost 100% sure that you really WANT to think that she likes you. If you were to re-read your story that you posted, you would notice how "in favor" your story sounds, or biased would be a better word. Now, if things turn out for the worst and she really doesn't like you that way and you were to re-type this story a few months later, you would notice a change. You would then begin to pick out all of the BAD signs rather than the good. Think clearly about the entire situation and do not totally assume the best because many times, we all fall short of what we expect. By all means, I am not trying to discourage you, but you might should go with YOUR gut on this rather than what some strangers think about the situation. Let's get real; we all want you to have the whole "fairy tale 'it all worked out for the good'" kind of story. Because of this, no one will tell you what I would tell you and that would be complete honesty. None of these people care about you, but they all believe in love, so they all will tell you .. well ... commonly given advice. Just read the above comments and tell me if you notice a pattern in what they all say. It usually doesn't work that way. Be realistic with all of your decisions and you should be fine. If you like her, and you think she likes you, go for it. If you think she doesn't like you and you still like her and she is cute, go for her anyways. Hell, it couldn't hurt. if she is your REAL friend, then if you try to pursue her and she denies, it shouldn't be a problem. Real friendships stand through the tests.