Hello lagirl143 I am in my 50s, so maybe you will think that I am old-fashioned, but I cannot say that I would really call this a relationship. You contacted a stranger via the Internet. I know that it is possible to make friends online ~ we do it on here ~ but it can take a while. After one month you met for the first time and spent a relatively short amount of time together. After another month you spent a few more hours together ~ having texted a few times in the interim. A week later you met for a third time and things became quite intimate between you. I know that many people sleep together on the first date, but I wouldn't call that a relationship either. This is someone you have met three times. What do you really know about him? The 'f' word would usually be deleted, but I think that, in this case, it is really telling. After meeting you only three times, this is the word he uses to describe what he wants to do to you. He doesn't use a sharing term. He doesn't talk about making love. He uses a word that is banned on here as an obscenity to describe what he wants to do to you. He says that [i]you are his girlfriend now[/i]. Was that a suggestion, a simple description of how things are, or a command? It doesn't sound like a request. He's not very communicative. Do you know him well enough even to be sure how he meant it? Is this really how good relationships begin? [quote]But in a relationship, I need to have some sort of communication .......Especially we’re just in the beginning of getting to know each other, and we only get to hang out once a week.[/quote] You are right. [quote].... I don't even feel like I have a boyfriend...[/quote] Well, there's your answer. [quote]I’m just having some doubts whether or not he’s interested in getting to know me. I thought he was a very genuine guy when we went out, but now I’m just not so sure anymore.[/quote] If in doubt, tread very warily! He may turn out to be as nice and as genuine as you once thought, but your instincts are telling you to be wary ~ so be wary. This isn't the old-fashioned middle-aged Mum being over the top ~ this is your own conscience telling you to be careful. :)

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.