Hi again, I just thought I'd leave a small update laugh

My ex hasn't harassed me again (thank God) and we barely speak to each other (just hi or if it's extremely necessary like college work).

I've kept hanging with this new guy, and recently I've felt like he's flirting with me. He asks me out, but never mentions "dating", and still when I'm with him it feels like a date! We go to the movies, grab something to eat, just go around in his car or mine, and we even went to the beach this past week. He tickles me, he casually places his arm around my shoulders, places his head over mine if I lean on his shoulder, smiles a lot while he's talking to me, looks at my eyes while he talks, guides me through a crowd by placing his hand on my waist, just to mention a few things that got me wondering; is he flirting?

Recently he introduced me to his parents when we ran into them "accidentally" while we were at the mall. He calls me almost everyday (he called me 4 times today lol). He has complimented my hair and face, and how I look overall. And the funniest thing, he keeps comparing us with "Meet the Parents", because my dad is very strict and old fashioned when it comes to me and dating.

Last time we were together (yesterday) he told me he didn't want me to leave when I had to go, and grabbed me so I couldn't walk away. I got really nervous and looked away, and he laughed and let go of me.

Last but not least, he met my parents because my dad is very overprotective and he insisted he wanted to meet the friends I go out with. When we were talking about it, my friend asked me what had my dad thought about him, and I replied "oh, he probably thinks we're dating" just to see his reaction, and he answered "hmmmmm, well...". I quickly asked "What?" and he just said "nothing". Of course, I kept insisting but he just laughed. Then he said, "it was one of those times when you don't mean anything". Eventually he told me to guess what he meant and that I should tell him, and he'll say if I'm right or not. When we talked about it again, I said I had no idea, and he told me an "analogy" which I didn't understand XD. He laughed and said "I wonder if it's true that you don't understand or if it's that you do and you don't want me to know".

Well, what do you think? I like him, but should I go for it?