Hi Krugs smile

You are not dating, but you are doing what everyone does when they are dating, so the only difference is that you are not using that particular word.

There is a reason why he will not admit to dating you and you accept it ~ is it a good reason?

But you are considering marriage, so I don't understand why he can talk about marrying you, but not about dating you.

It seems that the reason for his reticence to admit to having this relationship with you is causing the arguments with friends ~ or have I misunderstood?

All I can say is that it is your business and not theirs.

However, if they are friends and they are concerned, then maybe there could be something to be concerned about.

So your friends think that he is using you?
And his friends think that you are a 'slut'?

This isn't nice.

If he is a good person, whom you can trust, and you know that you can believe him, then, as I said, it is no-one's business but yours ~ unless you are under-age, of course ~ but do give some consideration to what your friends are saying, if they genuinely are friends. They may really care and they may be right about some things.

If he will not admit to dating you, then he should have a good reason ~ especially if his reticence is causing you to be labeled 'a slut'. Has he told his friends to treat you with respect?

Are the problems caused because you are having a physical relationship out of marriage?

Or because you are having such a relationship with a man, who won't even admit to being with you?

Or because you are having a relationship with a man who is not in a position to have such as relationship?

You must be concerned, to have posted on here.

Are you worried about getting a bad reputation, or losing your friends, or because you are in a 'confusing relationship'?

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.