I have commented on your other post, but this one sheds light on what your partner refers to when he says "it won't work".

Yes, simply put, he should tell his family that your problems are private and between you both and do not concern anyone else. He should assure them that he loves them but that he wants them to let you both sort it out on your own.

They should respect this and him for having the guts to tell them and stand up like a man.

The problem is, however, he has to be willing to do this on his own. He has to make the decision that it is yours and his and your childs life and is worth fighting for.

You would not be the first couple with family and friends against you. Again, it is your lives not theirs. If the family and friends are worth having in your lives then they will come around eventually when they see you are happy. If they don't, that is their loss, not yours. You can't live your lives by other's standards or dictates otherwise it wouldn't be your life it would be their life.

The important thing is that he is mature enough to choose you and his child over family and friends. You cannot make the decision.

You can only assure him that if he chooses "You" that you will not fail to live up to his choice. "you" have the job of assuring him that if he makes a difficult choice "you" will be there for him and not make a fool of him in front of his family by leaving him again. I am not saying that is what you did, I am saying perhaps that is what you have to assure him of this time around. Men have egos and if he is going to go up against his family and friends, he probably needs assurance that you will be there for the long haul.

Cookie and Sweetie