Welcome Ramazea8730I smile

I agree with Carl.

They say that love conquers all, but for some couples it just seems too hard.

I'm not really sure what you mean by this:
'She is very down to earth and seeks personal atonement and I am very worldly and out there.'

The fact that you found each other and love each other must mean that you have something in common, I would have thought.

My husband and I are very different, in many ways, but we have been very happily together for over 30 years.

Find common ground.
Be willing to compromise.

... are our differences non-reconcilable?

What do you think?
What does she think?
Only you two can answer this question. smile

I am willing to fight for her and sacrifice...I want to grow old with her.

Well, there is part of your answer.
But what about your ex?
Does she feel the same way?

Have either of you been willing to sacrifice anything for the relationship before?

In what ways are your communication methods different?
The brains of males and females do work differently.

Once again I am finding myself recommending the Gray and the Pease books.
They should be in the library and they will help to explain the differences ~ and how those differences can be coped with.


Good luck! smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.