hmm i too cant answer this tell there is more info..see dont want to say something if you are under the age of 18 and he is older even if its just a yr differents....if you are 15ys or younger and he is 16 and older ,,there is a issue here..then its good he well not date you,,sorry..but he can get in to big trouble for even puting a hand on your arm...i know some one who went to jail for 3 yrs because he slaped a girls butt when she walked by and she was only 14 (he didnt know that) and some one seen and well he got placed in jail...its crazy but that could be the reason....if he is in his 20's and your just 18 yr's old he may not want to date any one younger then 20 becasue well, we girls act alittle different when we are 16 to 20..we are a little carzy sure we can all look back at that age and think "wow i was like that" ..and this guy may know this and dont want to have to deal with i said cant really give to much info with out more info k