Well we met in high school. We had a class together the last sememster after graduation. Every once in awhile he would ask to copy my homework (why I'll never know). Then just a few days before school was over we got to talking well I kind of liked him so we kind of both asked each other out.
Well want to hear a good one and I did not find this out until later. He called one day before our date and we were talking he said he had to go wash his car and I said I would go along and help. Well that night he had a different date which I did not know about (To be fair we had not dated yet). This was a date he had asked her out a while back and did not think it was right to just cancel on her. Well I guess he took her out to eat and this is what he said. He did not have a very good time she did not talk at all.
I guess that was one thing he liked about me was my motor mouth.
He said he never had trouble carrying on a conversation with me.
Well I guess he did like me better since I'm the one who got him.
He told me about the date thing and I just teased him saying how I helped him wash his car for his other date. lol
He also told me he was in my 8th grade art class for 3 days before he was transfered out and had a crush on me (Sorry I don't remember).
We graduated in 66 and got married in Sept of 67 he was in the air force at the time.

My name is Connie