Dude. Alot of video games make me look dumb. some stuff makes me look even dumber. im a geek, it comes with my life, no extra charge. Anyway, it would be the best thing to do to sit down and talk with your parents. Now if you wanna ahve dates with thhis girl, ddo what i do sometimes. Have it at your own home, or her home for that matter. Also, if you do llittle chores withhout your parents asking you, they may start to think your getting alittle bit responsible. i mean, me and my girl do this sometimes. I cook dinner, get the DVD player ready (let her pick the movie), sometimes we have to watch it on my PC, but thats no prob. Anyway, just talk with your folks, chances are they went through the same thing. And if they cool with the idea, I say man go for it. Then get a job. You'll need it.

Lee Willam Huntley IV
DJ Jah Man
Love one another, and God