Aww I'm jealous everyone has all these firework stories of their first kiss.. my first kiss was by a ******* volture! Lol!
So since ya'll got me in the loving story telling mood I'll bore you guys with another kiss story, my first REAL kiss in my eyes (My fiance) the only kiss that matters smile

We were on a date and he kept trying to kiss me all night. I kept pulling away because once again I was too goody goody and it was too soon. All night he kept trying and trying and everytime it made me weaker and weaker. Finally when he dropped me off we were sitting in his car talking and he did it again, but when I went to lean in to give him the go that I don't care anymore to be a "gentlemen" he pulled away. I turned his head back to me and he asked what and I said the corniest thing you could ever say and we still laugh about it.. I said "I'm giving you the go". Then he kissed me and then for the first time I seen the fireworks heard the music felt the weak knees and for the first time floated.
His story totally ruins my sweet story... now that we've been together for a while he tells me he kept trying to kiss me purposely to get me to want to kiss him, then he turned away when I leaned in thinking I'd chicken out, and him turning away would make me want to kiss him more. WHAT A JERK! lol

Last edited by PDM; 08/18/07 12:51 AM.

God Bless,