Safety during Sex

Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Male
My girlfriend and I have been together for about 2 1/2 months. She has had sex with 2 guys before me, she told me the last time she had sex was in May.

Does that even matter? I'm still a virgin, and kinda nervious about the first time. I'm sure that is common. She told me that she would have sex with me if I wanted too right now. I do want it but also want to be safe about it. Of course I'd use a condom but that isn't 100%. That is what makes me nervious, the one chance that I could get an STD or AIDS.

What are your thoughts about Birth control and condoms, are they safe and should I trust them, possably with my life? We haven't talked that much about sex, but it almost happend the other night. what should I do? Do it or play is safe? Advice
She's only had sex with 2 other guys. Heck, the average for most people is much higher than that. Condoms are pretty much 99% safe vs pregnancy and very secure for all STDs and AIDS. Millions of people use condoms without any issues.

Really, if you're ready for sex, then a condom is the perfect safety measure. If you are NOT ready for sex then you're not ready, period. Don't ever have sex if you are feeling concerned or unsure about it. But be *realistic* about why you feel that way.

You are FAR more likely to die driving a car or doing many other normal activities than you ever are having sex. So if you have a concern or paranoia about sexual intimacy, then you need to deal with that. But there are really no real safety fears about sex with condoms.

-- from Jenn
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