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Crush Story

A Love Story: A Depressing Crush...

OK I first met this girl online. She was a great person who had some difficult things going on her life. She knew I was Christian she believed in God but never really put any more into it. We ended up going out and breaking up because her mom thought it was bad idea for her to meet people over the internet I understood. Later on my grandma was in the hospital and passed away I was only drawn in to depression.

My ex girlfriend later got the internet back we talked for hours and I attempted to flirt with her and wrote her letters of encouragment and I prayed for her along with her family. She thought I was so sweet and handsome. Later in life we barely even talked anymore. She was too busy with her life and got a new boyfriend. I was kinda depressed. But I showed her I was ok with it as long as she was happy.

Later on her bf got her involved with drugs and such. I was upset because I thought she needed God in her life. She lastly wrote me an email of how she got saved and it was thanks to me. I was still just depressed I knew I loved her but I could never just be honest and tell her. Well Yesterday I get an anonymous call from a girl who sounds like my ex. She said I met her at church but I knew it was my ex so I asked what church I Went to she replied some baptist church which I knew was a lie. She told me how her bf brought her into drugs and sex. And she broke up with him. She also said I was a great guy and confirmed my age. I know it seems far but I think she loves me too. I hope we marry someday...


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