Me and my ex sometimes mess around

Visitor's Question from a 51-60 year old Person
Sorry for submitting another question i know you all are very busy but i forgot to add this in my question. Me and my ex sometimes mess around well we messed around one time and always make plans to mess around whenever he comes home from school our plans never follow through either his gurlfriend comes into town or i have to work. He has a gurlfriend but we never discuss that whenever we are making plans to screw. I love him and want to be with him so much but I know this is not the way to go again what should I do...NEED HELP BADLY Advice
You are walking a tightrope when you have sex with him.

In one way, it attracts him back to you but in another way it makes you seem less in his eyes.

You have to be the judge of which is happening most. Since you've only done it once for real perhaps it is just a tantalizing game for the both of you and you aren't really sure it is what you want to do.

Good luck! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at

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