We Fight over Little Things

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Female
My boyfriend and i are both 18 years old and we have been going strong for almost two and a half years. I love him with all my heart and he does to but lately we have been arguing for little things. We try not too but somehow we do.

We recently talked about how all this arguing is affecting our Relationship. I dont want things to change and i want to bring our old fun ways back and our old spice we use to have to remember that through it all we will always love each other but im not sure how :/

What Should i Do or What Do You Recommend?

RomanceClass.com Advice
Life never goes backwards. It always goes forward. Relationships go through stages. They start hot and exciting and then they calm down. You can't go back to the start - you go forwards. It's natural for relationships to quiet down and settle. You learn to appreciate the new state of trust, understanding, and respect you have for each other. It's different but most people feel it's better than the high-hormone-overload of the beginning.

If you're having fights then it sounds like there are issues you aren't talking about. So sit down and figure out what is bothering you. If you want more excitement then make it happen. Take up new hobbies. Go to new places. These things don't just happen. You have to make them work.

-- from Lisa
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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