jealousy & drink

Visitor's Question from a 51-60 year old Male
I've been in my relationship for over 2 years , we now live together she has many friends while I dont have any. she goes out alot with them both female & male, thats when I stay at home and start drinking (I do it to numb the jealousy), if she stays over I start sending nasty texts, or if she doesn't text or call me I start worrying what she is up to.I know I need to get this sorted as I will lose her if it continues, but I dont know how ? Advice
You are in a tough situation and at your age change is not easy.

Here is the first change you could try: go out with your g/f when she goes out. Maybe you won't be the life of the party at first but you would feel better after a while.

Instead of drinking so much, cut back by finding some other meaningless activity to do... watch TV, play video games, listen to music, read books, etc.

Finally, you need to decide whether the pain is worth it. She is not going to change so can you deal with this situation for years?

You are doing good by acknowledging this problem and seeking advice on dealing with it. It is a very difficult problem to resolve. Perhaps you should consider going for counseling (with your g/f or not) to see if professional help might help you get to a solution for the jealousy.

Good luck! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at

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