I Want My Ex Back:
Words to Say:

If ur ex-girlfriend is not calling you not even a hello. Then YOU NEED to give her space and call her no more then maximum 2 times a day or less. but win u do talk to her be positive.Don't argue about the past don't defend yourself. Cuz no matter what she says she still is unsure and needs breathing room to think. Give it time , be patient. and whatever she says be agrreable. FYI(in a brek-up girls say one thing and do another) if you do this she be on her way back over in( 5days- 5 weeks max) but u have to be 100% positive so good luck. i won my ex girlfreind in just over a month. Tell her u still( care) not love (care) Trust me it will work.

Words to Say > I Want My Ex Back > Romantic Tips

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