Flirting and Fun:
Breaking the Ice:
Breaking The Ice: The Techniques

Hey Rob,
My name is Jxxx, and I'm really stuck with this problem. It's not really a problem but I was wondering for some advice.
There's this girl in school, which I really like although I don't really know her ... its funny ... but as soon as I saw her I was like in love with her.

The main problem is that she doesn't know me, or my name, but the only times I see her is on the bus after school. I was wondering what advice can you give me to sort of start getting to know her at least. Because all I want right now is for us to get to know each other. So at least she knows who I am.

Thanks a lot.

Hi Jxxx,
Breaking the ice and making that first contact.... forget the "instant love thing"... that's just hormones and horniness.

OK, next time you see her before you get on the bus you walk up to her and say, "Did you get the homework from Mr. SoandSo's class? Oh, wait, you're not in my class.... what's your name?"
Then talk to her about classes, etc.
Get her email address and email her later asking to meet you for a trip to the mall do look for a gift for your mom, sister, whatever. Or a trip to the library to do some homework. The choice is yours.

This should work. Don't be scared, she'll be more nervous that you.
And don't say you love her. She'll get rid of you as soon as you say that.
Trust me.

Best wishes,

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