I Want My Ex Back:
Before you Talk to your Ex:
I really want my ex

about 3 days ago (3/26/07), my girlfriend and i got into a stupid fight.i am 14 yrs old.so i told her "its over" but i'll always regret that no matter wat.about an hour later i had realized that i made a stupid mistake. so i called her up and asked her if she wanted to get back wit me, and she said "no, i'm sorry".so that completely broke ma heart!she always said that i treated her like s*** and i always use to curse at her.then about 3 days later some guy asked her out and she told him yes.whenever we were together she always told me,"if we ever break up i will never have a boyfriend ".but it's weird cuz now she's with some other guy and she sometimes says that she loves me. its kinda hard to believe. i was reading some other stories and one of them said dont ever give up on the person you love the most. i dont really want to beg her to get back with me because a lot of ppl say thats being a little bitch. but i will never give up.i even asked her,"if you ever get single again will you give me another chance and she said no. she's a beautiful girl but i'm going to miss her not because of her looks but because of the love we shared.the point i'm trying to get here is
NEVER EVER EVER EVER DISRESPECT a girl. thats how i lost her. and i feel that she will never forgive me. so i'll always reget disrespecting(such as cursing i wasn't an abusive boyfriend) her. she taught me a valuable lesson-never disrespect the one you love and i learned the hard way.so i would like to thank her for that.

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