sad love story

Once i met a guy throught internet.. we both were born in Kermashan Iran.. but got seperated from our homeland..however after yrs i met him on Msn.. i really truly loved him..i loved him soo much no one can imagine.. i never loved anyone else as much as i loved him..always wished if i could tell him i love him...i never did till april 1st..fooling day... i wanted to tel him i love him without knowing if he loves me back or not. however, i was thnking if he tell me he loves me that would be nice... i sent him message..taht i love him and so on...i made a story up in order to make him understand that i love him, when i got replyed from him..he just talked baout the story nothing else.. "forget that story" he said.. when i replayed i was showing loughs to him but inside i was crying cas i didnt know if he loved me o rnot.. i didnt figure it out.. anyways.. i replayed him that i was joking i dont love him its fooling day..april frst...which was not april fooling day for was feb..valuntines day but cas of him i had to turn in into april fooling day.... since then he never talks to me... he is soo change... all i have now is just MEMOURIES that makes me smile....