Think of Your Partner as a Team Member

View your partnership as a team. View your partner as a team member. You two are connected in a way that is like no other. Maybe even think of both of you as one entity that is simply connected by a stretching invisible rope. No matter what your partner goes, he or she is doing it as a representative of your whole. If you view your partner as being the other half of an entire whole that completes both of you, shouldn't have to worry about ridiculous doubts you know not to be true.

Literally imagine the two of you as being connected by an elastic rope. Picture yourself at a party or some other gathering. You two may go off in different directions and talk to different people, but you know you will always return to the center and share what you have found. There is no need for jealous feelings when you're both on the same side and working towards the same goal, which is furthering what's best for the team (i.e. your relationship).

When something comes up to bring out those paranoid jealous feelings, just think about how you two are a team connected at the hip by that elastic band and that any jealous feeling you have is simply imaginary, because you know you two are really one.