Celebrate with Friends and Family

A key reason that weddings exist is to stand up in front of everyone who you care about - family, friends - and state clearly that you are choosing one partner for the rest of your life. We all date people. Boyfriends and girlfriends come and go. Each time we might tell people we are serious, and then we move on. It is often extremely important to have that "moment of truth" - where you certify in front of everyone that This Is It. That you are serious, that you have stopped looking for anyone else and that you have committed yourself for your life to this person.

Your friends and family want you to be happy. They want you to find a love that lasts a lifetime! So they want to share in the celebration of that love, together. This also often serves as the ideal way for "everyone to meet everyone" - for family and friends to meet each other in a setting with good food and wine.
