Is It Love

What Girls Want :
be romantic.

Girls really want guys to make the first move. I know a lot of guys want girls to make the first move, but girls see that as unromantic. You don't need to be afraid of rejection. If she seems genuinely interested in you, then she probably is into you. If she isn't, she'll probably kind of talk to you, and then go back to talking to her friends.

If you think she does like you, then you should do something sweet and romantic. Give her a flower. Only one. That symbolizes that you two are united; like you're one person. And roses are prefferable, but if you are afraid of coming on too strong, then any flower is fine. But if you do give her a rose, either give her red or white. Definately pink or yellow, unless you know that she really likes pink or yellow roses. Every girl is different, so whatever you do, make it as personal as possible.

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

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