Dealing With the Ex

Defusing Problems with your Ex :
Emotionally Abusive / Yelling

Some exs get over the pain of breaking up by convincing themselves that you were never worth it - i.e. by yelling at you and taking out their anger on you. You do NOT deserve emotional abuse. You certainly didn't deserve it while you were with them, and you should not put up with it at all now that you're apart.

The key is to be neutral but firm. Don't retaliate. Don't give them fuel. If it's a phone call, say you have to go and hang up quietly. If it's in person, then go on to your next task. Do not give any reaction at all. It is the reaction they crave, and when they see they won't get one, it will help to defuse them.

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Defusing Problems with your Ex : List of Tips
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