Kissing Tips and Techniques

Kiss Types - Location Based :
the 'Missing you' kiss.

Its the kinda of kiss you give when you havent seen someone in a long time or if its its a forbidden lover etc.

Girls should put one of their hands on his neck- the other either on the other side of the neck or the head. They should also move their hands slighty, and apply pressure in the right times.

Guys should wrap his arms around her. on her waist or stomach, etc. of course his hands should also move- maybe a bit more drasticly. sort of a rubbing motion on the back or so. Also, he should apply more pressure then she does at approriate times. Guys also could put one of his hands on either her neck or the side of her face.

Its serves as a sort of "i need you" kiss. deep, passionate and should be timed perfectly. Certain amounts of pressure should be used throughout the kiss.
But use your imagination to show that you really miss him or her. =]

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Kiss Types - Location Based : List of Tips
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