Kissing Tips and Techniques

First Kisses :
Don't Rush It..Let It Come Natural!

Get used to giving your sweetie bye hugs. After a few bye hugs, (you need to be alone, and close) Just look over and gaze in your partners eyes. *You will be nervous but after the first one you'll be just fine* (If they say "what" just smile) Glance down at their lips and make little triangles from their eyes to their mouth and back up again. Slowly move closer focusing more on their lips, If they are doing the same, GREAT! Give them a little kiss on the lips. Count to about 5. Then pull back slowly and repeat but kiss longer this time! Good Luck and I hope this was helpful, Worked for me!

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

Kissing Tips and Techniques > First Kisses

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