I also thought of recording it. If there is any way you can, then I'd say it's worth a try.Something has to open your dad's eyes to just how bad things are.
I thought about you and all you are going through alot last night and this morning. I'm very worried about you. If you are on antidepressants and you have thought about suicide, you really need to tell your dad and your psychologist about it.PLEASE!!!
I wish there was something I could do to help you out. If it were an option I would let you come stay with my family in a heartbeat, but since you don't even know us and you live in California and we in NY I don't see it happening.
I'm sorry I must have missed a previous thread about this, so I don't know what is wrong with your mom. How long ago did this start? and how were things between you before she got sick?
I know one thing-as a mom myself I can only hope that if I somehow ended up treating one of my kids that way because of an illness or otherwise, I would hope that my husband (their father) would do ANYTHING to get them out of the line of fire! Apparently your mom does not realize what she is doing to you, and if she were aware of it she too would tell your dad to get you out of the situation before you go crazy or before you lose all the love you have for her.She's your mom and I'm sure she loves you and wouldn't want you to be going through this.
Talk to your psychologist as soon as you can and tell him/her about you suicidal thoughts and also get him to talk to your dad.I don't know if there are support groups for people going through similar situation but your psychologist might know. I think it would help to be able to talk to others who have or are going through similar situation. It would help just knowing you are not the only one and maybe someone who's been there themselves can give you suggestions as to how to deal.