Oooo, that's right, I forgot about that. My sister calls that rewards. You reward yourself if you do this or that by a certain time frame. I used to make my rewards a cup of coffee or a snack, and then, somehow over time, I forgot about it being a reward and just took a break, and stopped.

Thanks a bunch! I'm really beginning to feel fired up now. I have so much to do. I think I may apply the keep going as long as I can technique on my closet and parts of my bedroom.

I feel like bedrooms are the hardest rooms to do. It's like, how can you find a new place for something, when you want to have everything near you. I just mainly get upset when my pile system falls over and I can't stack it so it can stay in a pile again. I really want a bedroom like they show on TV shows, where everything is so pretty and has a place for everything.
