Some people say ~ if you haven't used something in the last 6 months, get rid of it, but, like you, I always seem to think that something will come in useful, so I keep it, then I decide that it should go out after all, and then I realise I needed it!!! I know!!! Anyway, 6 months doesn't even cover seasonal clothes changes.

I did hear some better advice ~ if it is a positive addition to your home, whether you use it, or it makes you happy, or you just 'want' it, then keep it, but if not, get rid of it.

Sometimes I do the 'charity shop test'. If I were to see this item, in a charity shop, costing only 1 penny, would I consider it a worthwhile addition to my life. If not, then definitely get rid.

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.